sexta-feira, novembro 21, 2008

Aviões Pintados: III

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A JAL (Japan Airlines) pintou vários de seus aviões em comemoração aos 50 anos da companhia, com o tema "Walt Disney".
Não foi somente a Alaska Airlines que cooperaram com a Disney, a JAL pinto 5 + 1 de seus aviões "Disneyish".

"JAL - Dream StoryIt was not just Alaska Airlines cooperating with Disney. JAL also painted 5 + 1 of its aircrafts "Disneyish". The family members were the following: "Friends" with white background, "Sweet" with pink background, "Family" with blue background, 2 planes named "Tokyo Disney Sea" with blueish water-like background and the extra 6th plane with the nose of Mickey Mouse called "Dream story" and its livery is based on the story of an elementary school girl."

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